The Dismal State of Restaurant Digital Presentations

Restaurant Digital Presentations

Restaurant digital presentations are in a bad shape, dismal. Looking around the web at restaurant websites, I can now see the same thing everywhere. Majority of local restaurants are selling everything else, but food. The only restaurants that seem to be selling food are franchises. Yes, predominantly franchises are the ones that have it right. I would venture to say that the reason is size of investment.


Size of Investment Matters, but Quality Is Also Important​

Franchises invest millions in their platforms, that’s a fact. They hire top professionals to design their platforms. Sometimes they miss as well, but not too frequently. On the other hand, many restaurant owners do not have the time or knowledge to invest in their platforms. They are too busy trying to keep their businesses afloat. Their perception of a digital platform is, “It’s something that I have to have, but it is only a “necessary evil.”” So, they hire some local company, pay them big bucks, and hope for the best. But the best rarely comes. Which only deepens the restaurant owner’s conviction of necessary evil. There are plenty of examples of restaurants that have a very poor web platform (design and functionalities). I don’t want to name any names here in particular.


Less Expensive Alternatives

The other option you have as a restaurant owner, which is time costly and not very effective is to go to platforms such as Squarespace or Wix. These are fine platforms for basic presentations, but they are not designed for restaurants and therefore you won’t be able to get the best out of your website. They are generic in nature, set to cater a wide audience.

Incredible Restaurant Digital Presentations Platform at an Unbeatable Price

Increase Restaurant ProfitsMe and my team offer an affordable solution to this problem. We developed a restaurant specific platform that allows restaurants to have own SEO website (quality design presentation) and sell food. All in one at an incredible price. I could get into the details of the platform and how it works, but I’d rather leave that for a personal 1 on 1. If you want to know more, then call or email me. I am always happy to talk with you and go through the details of how I can help you generate greater profits using our restaurant digital presentations.

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