Social Media in Digital Marketing Campaign – Part 4

Social Media in Digital Marketing

When you are considering social media in digital marketing campaign, the power of Facebook as a marketing tool cannot be understated. The platform is, without question, the largest social network on the planet. It has more than than two billion monthly active users. As such, it is the foremost platform for both brand consumer interactions. It has generated an estimated $27.53 billion in ad revenue in 2018. This makes it one of the most lucrative digital marketing channels available to this day.

Social Media in Digital Marketing Landscape is Quickly Evolving

However, the social media landscape is quickly evolving. Facebook is now slowly but surely being overtaken by visual social media, i.e. Instagram and YouTube. More than half the marketers use videos and images to get their message across. Thanks to this evolution many advertisers are planning to reduce their budget on Facebook and shift this money to the visual platforms. Which means competition on these platforms is increasing. Increasing meaning getting more expensive. Starting ASAP can give you an edge over your competition.

Facebook is Still Clinging on to Number One

With an active user count of close to 2.8 billion, Facebook is the most popular social network worldwide. Therefore, the market leader also remains the most important social media platform among marketers on the B2B and B2C spectrum. It’s a race for Facebook. It is a platform that was in a huge breakaway, but now competitors are breathing down the platform’s neck. It seems to be just a matter of time before Facebook loses its number one spot in the social media in digital marketing position. The question is: “How long will it take?”

In Closing

Why Video Marketing Is So Powerful
Why Video Marketing Is So Powerful

With new visual formats overtaking digital marketing, it is without a doubt that video is dominating. As it seems at this point, this trend will stick around for years to come. It will be a tight race, but if you want to succeed in the digital world, you need to track this evolution closely and make rapid adjustments. Ideally stay ahead of the trends. Be prepared to make the shift to fully benefit from social media in digital marketing landscape. Not every channel is ideal for every industry. Always make sure you research your target audience and its most popular platform. And of course, take all steps in accordance with your reasonable budget. We at North Carolina Web Development can help you with that.

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