Modern North Carolina Web Design

Modern North Carolina Web Design

Modern web design has come a long way since the stone age of the internet. Back then, web pages were simple documents with text, images and occasionally a low-quality animation or video or two. Today, modern web pages are complex interactive experiences that include rich media such as video, audio, and other interactions. This evolution has been enabled by modern web browsers, which have raised the bar for web page design.

Internet Has Come a Long Way

The Internet has been around for more than thirty years, but the modern web design we know today only came into being relatively recently. The first website was just a web page. It was a simple text file on a server that didn’t even have a web address. And in order to reach it, you had to use a dial up Internet connection, which required a separate phone line in your home or workplace. Otherwise no one would reach you while you were “browsing.” Enough about stone age nostalgie, let’s get back to modern days. 

Possibilities of Modern Web Design

Restaurants Lack a Digital Mindset
Restaurants Lack a Digital Mindset

The Internet has changed the world in ways no one could have imagined when it was first invented. Today, we have access to information and entertainment at the touch of a button. It’s hard to imagine a time when we didn’t. Internet web design today involves so much more than just plain text or HTML. In addition, you also have the advantage of multi-device experiences today. This evolution made web design more complex, i.e. difficult, true, but it also opens up new markets. And the question is, are you reaching out to these markets? Better yet, are you/your business benefiting from these newly born markets?

One example of an industry, where business owners are not making the required adjustments to reach these newly markets, is the restaurant industry. There is a customer demand, but owners are missing out, or being mislead. Either way, they are not getting the most out of their business.  

We are a North Carolina web design company, and we are ready to help you reach these new markets and grow your business. Let’s start the exploration of your new markets together today.

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