How to Get On Google Page 1

How to Get On Google Page 1

Getting on Google page 1 is the Holy Grail for many internet marketers. It’s the ultimate place to be for your potential customers, and if you’re on page 1 of Google, you’re essentially in the front of the line when it comes to getting people to your website. But getting on page 1 is no easy task. It requires an immense amount of hard work, and in some cases, it is a matter of some trial-and-error methods.

The Elusive Goal

Google page 1 is an elusive goal for many small business owners. But the right strategies and products can help you climb higher on the first page of Google. I’ll share some of the strategies I use to get on page 1 of Google and provide you with some products and tools that can help you get there too. I’ll also cover some of the most common mistakes that small business owners make when trying to get on page 1 of Google.

The Steps to Google Page 1

1 – Text

It’s all about text. Your website should be filled with text. The correct text on relevant topic, which should be easy to read. As I’ve written last week, one of the most important things is that the text must be original. You can’t just copy and paste text from your competition. Such practice can get your site blacklisted by Google and other search engines as well.

2 – Images

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How to Select Imag…

It’s also important to have images on your website and inside your blog posts. Plain text is boring to read and therefore search engines don’t like plain text blog posts. And just as the text, the images must be relevant. They don’t need to be original, but they do need to be used with authorization. There are some sites that offer you royalty free images you can use on your website. Make sure the royalty and use terms for the images you want to download allow you to use them on your site.

3 – Links

The structure of your post links needs to contain your blog post’s keyword(s). If you are targeting a certain region or city, then it is also a good idea to create a category for blogposts, which is named after the region or city. And then choose a format for permalinks, which will include these names.

4 – Backlinks

There are many strategies to get backlinks linking back to your site. You can do guest posts on other blogs in your niche, register your site in multiple web catalogs, collaborate with other bloggers/site owners, and so on. But the one strategy you want to avoid is paying for backlinks. Like plagiarism, search engines will ignore purchased backlinks, and will penalize your site for using these, i.e., your site will rank lower in search engine results.

In Closing

These are the basic strategies to building SEO content. There are of course more, but these are the primary ones I used to get my site to page 1 on Search engines. Each of the points above can be discussed individually and I will do so in the coming days. Follow this page to get more tips on how to build SEO content.

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