How to Select Images for Your Blog

How to Select Images for Your Blog

Your website is your online presence, therefor select images that express your site’s purpose. It’s where people can learn more about your business and find the resources they’re looking for. Select images for your bog, which will show off your creativity, your passion, and your expertise. The best way to show off your personality is with images.

Images Help Your Visitors Understand

Images help your visitors understand what your blog post is about. A good place to add images is your header. They also make your blog post feel more like a magazine or book. They can also help users decide if they want to keep reading or not.

There Are Plenty of Free Stock Images

You can find a lot of stock images on websites like Shutterstock, Pixabay, or Free Photos. Just search “stock images” in your favorite search engine and browse around to find images that are relevant to your topic. You can use these images in your blog posts and other communication channels. If you have an original idea for an image, you can always reach out to the photographer or designer who took the image to ask to license other images as well.

Carefully Select Images

The text for your blog post is the meat of your website, but select images, which will be catch the eye of your visitors, which in turn will catch the attention of search engines. The images on your blog must have descriptions which include blog post’s keywords. This will help your website rank higher because search engines will be able to index your site more easily. Plus, nowadays search engines also take into consideration the appearance and design of your site when determining your rankings.

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